Susan Parker, PT
Co-Founder- Webster
585 671-1030
Susan graduated from Ithaca College's physical therapy program and is co-founder of Greater Rochester Physical Therapy. She has over 20 years of experience and has continued to advance her knowledge through professional development courses in orthopedics, women's health, and industrial medicine. Susan has furthered her manual therapy skills through courses in McKenzie, Paris and Mulligan techniques.
Susan is the Director of the Women's Health at Greater Rochester Physical Therapy. She focuses her clinical practice on the treatment of women's health issues.
Susan is an active member of the American Physical Therapy Association including the Women's Health and Private Practice sections. She currently serves on the Nominating Committee for the Women' Health Section and additional task force committees. Susan has also been involved at a state level for APTA serving on the Reimbursement Committee for 10 years and also serving as the Finger Lakes District Director from 1987 thru 1991. Susan is a member of the International Pelvic Pain Society and currently serves on the Board of Directors. She is also a member of the American Urogynegolic Society, the National Vulvodynia Association, and the Interstitial Cystitis Association. She is also on the Advisory Board for
Locally, Susan is a member of the RIPA physical therapy sub-committee and the Rochester Physical Therapy Alliance.
Susan has lectured on topics related to Women's Health locally including Ithaca College, Nazareth College, grand rounds at Rochester General Hospital and Genesee Hospital, and local APTA events. Nationally, Susan has lectured at the National Midwifery Convention and, internationally at the International Pelvic Pain Society meeting in Banff Springs, Canada (2003).