Conversation Between Maryann and Barnman
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Just read your memo Barnman- Do hope your surgery has been successful!!!!! I am doing just the best ever after my sirgery on january 20th- really my range of motion is so much better plus pain relief is about 100 per cent!! Would like to hear how you are doing! best of luck- Maryann Mazzaferro
Hi Maryann,
I am schelduled to have mine done on March 31st. I am anxious but also a little nervous. I am looking forward to getting pain relief and use of my shoulder again, it has been almost two years since my injury and I have been in constant pain since then, I have had two prior surgeries and have had no success with them.
Have you had a reverse shoulder replacement? I am just curious- i have had two- one just recently on my left shoulder on january 20th- so far I am doing very well!!!!