I have done quite abit of research on a Reverse Shoulder replacement and fond that I am a very strong cantidate for this procedure. I am goig to have this done this September by Dr. Mathew Tomaino at Rochester General Hosptal.
My History that has brought me to this point has been one of several prior surgeries which included the replacement of the ball on the upper part of the humerous on my Right Arm aproximately 25 years ago. I am now 63 and am to the point that I have worn the socket out and the prostetic ball is just riding on tissue. I will admitthat the prior surgery served me well as I have redone a house built several decks and added a Florida room on in Florida. Plus I play golf. This has deteriated my shoulder to the point that I have limited movement and at times pain that is almost unbearable. Dr. Tomino has reviewed my case and believes very strongly that he can help eliminate the pain and provide me with much more mobility. This operation is a serious one that will require alot of work to get the maximum useage back which I am willing to work with Dr. Tomaino to achieve. Has anyne else had this proceedure done and how successful were you with it. I would be very interested in talking with you. I understand that this will be a long proceedure and would be interested in your feedback. Thanks, Mike S |
When glenoid wear results in pain and loss of motion, the ideal next step would be a revision to a total shoulder replacement---an "anatomic " design. This would amount to resurfacing the glenoid with a plastic implant to allow the metal "ball" to articulate with the socket without pain. This, however, requires a functioning rotator cuff and adequate bony anatomy to allow fixation of this type of design.
Unfortunately, in many of these "revision" cases, the metal ball has, over time, worn into the socket so much that a new socket forms---a so called "pseudoglenoid"---and this requires special attention to reshape the socket so as to accomodate a new glenoid component. In such cases, years of poor motion often lead to deconditioning of the rotator cuff muscle as well. The most optimal functional result in cases such as these involves a nonanatomic design---Reverse shoulder replacement. This involves removal of the previous implant and placement of the new reverse implant. The deltoid muscle, which is healthy in these cases, allows restoration of forward elevation. External rotation is usually possible if the teres minor muscle is functioning; when not, a tendon transfer may be recommended. These cases are indeed, major and complex, but if all goes according to plan, very good pain relief and improved function can result. Last edited by mtomaino; 07-09-2010 at 05:12 PM. |
Dear Mike S.
Your post on Dr. Tomainos forum brought back so many memories to me. I had a reverse shoulder replacement on my right shoulder after a previously failed surgery. Yes, I can appreciate what you are going though. The pain is unbearable and even the simplest of tasks become so difficult. Like you, when I went to Dr. Tomaino a reverse shoulder replacement was the procedure of consideration. I was well aware that it would be major surgery . However, I was in so much pain I elected to have it done. Dr. Tomaino assured me that my pain would be lessened and I would have a better quality of life. It is now over a year since my surgery and I am 100 per cent pain-free in my right shoulder. I have a better range of motion also, something I never had before. My only regret is that I wish I could have had the procedure done years ago. It has significantly changed my life for the better. Yes, it is a major operation and involves a deep committment on your part. My advice to you is to think positive and accept the challenge for a better lifestyle.I have such a better quality of life and am comfortably able to do many tasks that were impossible for me before. I wish you the best of luck, and if I can be of any further assistance feel free to contact me! Maryann Mazzaferro - so happy with my reverse shoulder replacement |
Hello Mike S.
I am also facing a reverse joint replacement. I have had 3 dr. diagnoses. I keep putting it off out of fear of complications. And I have found no one to talk to that has gone thru the procedure. I would love to know how your post op period goes--know you won't be able to type. So, whenever you have progressed in rehab, or any info/feelings you can convey preoperatively--I would appreciate. To Maryanne, I read your blog on Dr. T's site--and sought you out on Facebook. Your blog was extremely encouraging. Thank you Dr. T for guiding me to this blog. Donna |
You are welcome Donna. I will post a new question about what the rehab and post operative period are like. It may be easier for my previous patients to go there to respond. This will be on the Shoulder page. Go to the Right hand part of the page
Under POPULAR TOPICS. Click on Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasy. Find the Question regarding Postoperative rehab after Reverse Arthroplasty. Good luck!! Last edited by mtomaino; 09-20-2010 at 08:20 PM. |
Hello Donna,
Had the Surgery last Thursday, was let out of the hospital on Sunday. See your wrong, I'm typing this message partialy with my bad arm and am feeing fine. The surgery was relativly pinless. I was given a shoulder block that lasted approximately 24 hours. Then I was givem the right amount of meds tp keep me comfotrtable. The care in the hospital was extemely good. You just have to remember to treat your caregivers as equals and remember that you are not the only one they are taking care of. This Friday I will have my stitches taken out and start theropy next week. Dr. Tomaino and I are very optimistic on the outcome but only time and hard work will tell the whole story. I hope that this info. gives you the info. you need to make a decision. Feel free to contact me if you needs more info. My personal E- Mail is mikie1108@hotmail.com. I will give you my phone # from there. Mike S |
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