Reverse Shoulder Replacement
I have done quite abit of research on a Reverse Shoulder replacement and fond that I am a very strong cantidate for this procedure. I am goig to have this done this September by Dr. Mathew Tomaino at Rochester General Hosptal.
My History that has brought me to this point has been one of several prior surgeries which included the replacement of the ball on the upper part of the humerous on my Right Arm aproximately 25 years ago. I am now 63 and am to the point that I have worn the socket out and the prostetic ball is just riding on tissue. I will admitthat the prior surgery served me well as I have redone a house built several decks and added a Florida room on in Florida. Plus I play golf. This has deteriated my shoulder to the point that I have limited movement and at times pain that is almost unbearable. Dr. Tomino has reviewed my case and believes very strongly that he can help eliminate the pain and provide me with much more mobility. This operation is a serious one that will require alot of work to get the maximum useage back which I am willing to work with Dr. Tomaino to achieve. Has anyne else had this proceedure done and how successful were you with it. I would be very interested in talking with you. I understand that this will be a long proceedure and would be interested in your feedback. Thanks, Mike S |