Upstate Physical Therapy
Upstate Physical Therapy was established in 1993 by Cathy Leonard with the vision of providing the highest quality physical therapy services in a professional and comfortable setting. The most distinguishing element of Upstate Physical Therapy, which differentiates us from other providers, is our commitment to scheduling patients one-on-one. By doing this we feel we can provide more individualized care that enables us to achieve better outcomes. For our patients this means better functional use of their arms and greater satisfaction.
Complete expert evaluation of all upper extremity conditions with timely re-evaluation of patients' progress including measurement of range of motion, strength and function
Patient consultation to devise appropriate goals and focused attention on achieving the goals (such as returning to sports or work).
Treatments that are consistently provided by the same therapist. This ensures that your progress is closely monitored.
The most current treatment alternatives with state-of–the-art techniques delivered in private treatment rooms.
Comprehensive and individualized physical therapy programs, including ‘easy to understand’ home exercise programs.
Follow-up communication with physicians regarding patients’ progress.
A staff that demonstrate compassion and respect for all.
Convenient location close to 490 and free parking “at our doorstep”.
Highly experienced in the following conditions:
- Rotator Cuff tendinitis, bursitis, tears
- Shoulder impingements
- Frozen shoulders
- Shoulder subluxations and dislocations
- Labral tears/repairs
- Rotator Cuff Repairs
- Shoulder replacements
- Shoulder arthroscopies
- Reverse shoulder replacements
- Medial and Lateral Epicondylitis
- Carpal Tunnel Syndroms
- Humerus, Clavicle, Elbow and Wrist fractures